A close friend of mine, unlike other people, was always focused on achieving her dream. She wanted to become a fashion designer and wanted to see her clothes displayed on the ramp during the fashion week. She was inspired and passionate about it. It was one of the many things that I was found attractive about her. She walked the distance to achieve her dream. She graduated from National Institute of Fashion Technology at the top of her class. She worked with top designers in the country like Neeta Lulla and Malini Agrawal to get hands-on experience in the fashion industry. When she felt she had enough experience, she even launched her startup. Unfortunately, the startup did not succeed to the extent she would have liked. After marriage and a child, she shifted tracks. She now works for a top retailer in the country and has successfully developed one of its failing fashion categories. Her hard work and creativity as a designer has been recognised and rewarded within the company. However, her dream of making her own fashion brand has been forgotten.

If you asked if she had followed her dreams, she would simply point out that she was a very respected fashion designer in a big retail chain. She would acknowledge the fact that she compromised on her dream, she would rationalize her decision instead.

“Dreams don’t die a natural death, we kill them and our weapons are rationalisations we use to murder them.”

Rationalisation used to Procrastinate

  1. I am going to work on my dreams…just not tonight.
  2. There isn’t enough time
  3. There isn’t enough money
  4. I don’t have enough expertise
  5. The industry is shit!
  6. I need the security
  7. I will do this one thing before working on my dream

Like every other ‘killing’ there is a motive behind this crime. Our motivations for these rationalizations become clear when we scratch beneath the surface.

  1. We want to be comfortable. Comfort is a far bigger dream killer than fear.
  2. Next is, of course, the fear of failure.
  3. Lack of patience
  4. Fear of taking risks
  5. Loss of faith in oneself

And many others follow. The primary reason is always comfort and a lack of patience.

The myth of ‘sacrifices’

While sacrifices have to be made in the real world to achieve our goals. Not everyone has to make them. This myth created by the media and films often shows the protagonist sticking to his dreams against insurmountable odds. This not required in the real world. The real-world needs you to nurture your dreams and believe in yourself. Dreams take a long time to realize and you need rational strategies to keep yourself going in the direction that you choose.

Here are a few strategies to keep your dream alive.

1. Make a Dream Task sheet

Like every other work you do for your home and your office, you need a daily task sheet to achieve your dreams. The famous comic Seinfeld made it a habit to write 100 words daily. It did not matter if they were good or bad. Just write 100 words every day. You need similar, simple goals to stay in touch with your dreams.

2. Follow the latest trends online

Staying connected to your field online is the best way to keep your dream alive. This allows you to meet people who are in the same situation as you and allows you to explore the field of your choice at your pace.

3. Bring it in your conversation.

Let’s say you took up the job because you wanted some financial stability. It is important not to forget your dreams in the comfort of a steady paycheck. It is important then keep talking about your passion and keep in touch with that inner curiosity. Who knows you might someone at your workplace who shares your interest. These people become your link to your inner voice.

4. Understand that it takes time

To excel at something requires patience and dedication. If you are patient with yourself you will find the dedication to do the same thing again and again till you get it right.

5. Little bit everyday

Realization of your dreams is a long process. This means you don’t have to achieve the whole thing in one big leap. You just need to take one step every day for many years to achieve that dream. So think about the one step you have to take today and everything else will fall in place.

These four simple strategies will keep you on track even if the circumstances in your life are not ideal for the pursuit of your dreams. The important thing is to keep at it. Nurture your dreams every day like you nurture a tree or a plant. Wait patiently without complaining and watch as your efforts bear fruit. Don’t kill your dreams with petty rationalizations give them alive with your dedication.