I am Losing my Creativity!


‘I am Losing my creativity’- this thought is not just in my mind but in the minds of thousands of people around the world. In spite of being in a creative field and being surrounded by creative people, be it in an agency, a production house or marketing communication, many people quit their jobs in search of their creative self and many leave their creative self in the process of searching it. Still, the quest for creativity continues.

Does Creativity really exist?

It’s an old debate- some say creativity is an inspiration, some say it’s just technique. I feel creativity exists and exis by itself as an impulse. It exists in every field. There is no escaping the creative impulse.

Even in a 9–5 desk job like accounting there is need to get creative once in a while. Even a job as physical as cleaning dumpsters might need a touch of creativity. If you are faced with a problem that forces you to come up with a unique solution, then you are being creative to solve your issues.

Kick This Myth ‘Out of The Box’

Many times while interviewing creative people I hear and see in their CV a phrase — ‘Out of the box thinker’ but when I ask them what is the definition of THE BOX, does it really exist. Even if we assume it exists, have they completely explored their box? Perhaps simpler and elegant solutions reside there.

According to me, there is no such thing as The Box. If you have a thought explore it. Even if you think that your idea is derivative, bring it to life. In the process of bringing it to life, you might discover something new.

Let’s take the example of Beer Brands:
Starting from 2001, if we have 5000 brands around the world, each year each brand come up with at least 2 campaign, that counts to 10000 campaigns, in each campaign there will be at least 10 creatives and at least 5 people working on each campaign for 8 hours a day and at least 30 days, that equals to 100,000 creative with 50,000 people involved in it taking almost 12 Ml man hours. It’s 2019 so in 19 years alone 1,900,000 creatives have been done, and people are still coming up with new and innovative ideas, and will be forever, so do you really think a box exists?

I am in creative space still I am losing my creativity.

The other day I met a friend of mine, an art director, he was looking very low. Let me assure you he is really creative and efficient in his work. I asked him what happen but he hesitated in telling. I asked him to join me for a coffee and cajoled him into a discussion.

He said he was not getting good ideas, the only question he kept asking himself is why he is here, doing the same kind of job again and again. “I don’t have anything left to explore, but what to do I have a family to look after and bills to pay.”

But was it the real issue- NO. the real issue was his creative satisfaction.

There are many reasons why a creative person feels he is losing his creativity in spite of being in the creative space. Reason can be client requirement and feedback, manager’s interference in the creative process, inadequate brief, lack of tools and training, time to explore the ideas and brainstorming or may be the pay scale.

Instead of getting trapped in a feeling of inadequacy it is important to explore what makes your creativity tick.

How to get the creative satisfaction and get the creativity back?

My father used to say, “when in doubt go back to the basics”. His advice has served me well over the years. Every time I have felt my creativity stagnate I have reverted to my original sense of creativity.

My creative journey started with writing poems for myself. I still maintain a dairy. When I feel my creativity draining I turn to my poems for my inspiration. I churn out verse even if it feels foolish. This gets me back in touch with my original creative self.

What is your original creative self?

For some, it might be that old habit of playing the guitar. For some, it might be sketching in their books. Indulging in this activity for the sheer sake of creativity helps refresh your mind.

I invite you all to consider this, that all your creativity is derived from that original sense of wonder that you felt as a child doing a particular activity. For me, that sense of wonder was writing my poems. My entire creative-self rests on this basic foundation.

Go back to your basic creative self and unleash those old creative juices.

Years of client feedbacks and meeting ‘industry standards’ takes away that sense of wonder associated with the creative process. For some, it becomes a mechanical, formula-based action.

It is important to re-kindle that initial sense of wonder with the creative process. This will happen only when you get back in touch with Original Creative Self. Creativity has always been an exploration of the Self. If you are feeling that your creativity is bankrupt, then perhaps it is a sign that you have moved away from your original creative self.